Port Covington

Cityfi developed a curbside management plan for the Port Covington development area in Baltimore, one of the largest urban renewal projects in the country, to guide short-term decisions about critical infrastructure, information technologies and sensors, and complementary area design and policy. Covering 235 acres, it is a master planned mixed-use development that will have 3 million square feet of office, retail, residential and entertainment space, 40 acres of parks and green space, and potentially serve 42 million vehicles annually.


In the development of the plan, Cityfi helped clarify the vision and goals of the development, which was centered around use-case based planning, and helped define curb and parking management performance measures and data collection. Building upon the vision, Cityfi created a detailed plan for on-street curb parking and access that took into account on- and off-street supply, as well as demand from construction. The plan proposed prime mobility use cases, plans and key performance indicators for data measurement, innovative strategies in transportation demand management and parking, potential partnerships, and a curbside management plan. Cityfi also strategized pilot projects for new mobility services, active transportation infrastructure, and on-street parking and curb management. Lastly, Cityfi developed a surface lot conceptual layout that reviewed existing layouts and proposed new scenarios that maximize the efficiency of space, create an attractive, pleasant and safe experience for pedestrians, satisfy the requirement to provide 10% landscaping within the surface lot, and incorporate technologies and wayfinding strategies to enhance the pedestrian physical experience and create opportunities for pricing differentiation.

Project Information

Client: Weller Development Company

Location: Baltimore, MD