City of Atlanta Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update

Cityfi contributed to the development of the City of Atlanta Transportation Plan Update, which supports the long-term vision of the Atlanta City Design effort and provides policy and project recommendations to build a world-class, sustainable transportation system that addresses congestion in a growing and evolving city.

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Cityfi focused on stakeholder engagement at all levels, including strategic visioning and a project communications strategy. Cityfi also drafted the Implementation Strategy focused on “future proofing” policies, infrastructure, services and technology that is rapidly changing the way cities work, and can be utilized for positive change, but should not distract from the fundamentals that make cities like Atlanta great. Cityfi also participated in discussions around creating a standalone Department of Transportation.

The plan was published and implemented by the city in October 2017.

Project Information

Client: City of Atlanta

Location: Atlanta, GA

Project partners: Nelson + Nygaard, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc