Aurora Smart City Strategic Plan Playbook
The Aurora Smart City Playbook and Toolkit was created to guide the City of Aurora, Colorado’s approach to leveraging innovation, technology and data to advance the City’s existing priorities and prepare it to effectively respond to ongoing change. It aims to build a network of diverse communities strengthened and unified by a City government that thinks and acts in new ways to sustain a high quality of life. Aurora Smart City boldly commits to being cohesive, connected, proactive, accountable and inclusive in order to inform smart, strategic decisions and ensure the community is well-prepared for the future.
To develop the vision, goals and strategies of Aurora Smart City, Cityfi conducted extensive staff engagement and capacity building exercises through stakeholder workshops and working group meetings representative of departments across the City. These engagements garnered critical input that shaped the direction, vision and actions of the Playbook, and also supported buy-in of Aurora Smart City as a citywide priority.