Compton Artesia Specific Plan
Cityfi undertook a Transit Oriented Specific Plan effort for the area surrounding the Compton Blue Line Artesia Station in Compton, CA. The Compton TOD Specific Plan aims to revitalize the project area near the Artesia Station and create a transit-oriented, mixed use environment that is sustainable, liveable and walkable. The area will be an essential hub that will serve as an anchor in the community through its aesthetics and diverse function that welcomes community members from all walks of life.
Cityfi developed community narratives, an existing conditions report, specific plan scenarios, specific plan, implementation strategy, and public engagement. In determining community narratives, Cityfi conducted stakeholder interviews with City staff, property owners, community leaders, businesses and other stakeholders to provide the detailed attention and understanding necessary to develop recommendations that were responsive and supported by the community. It also conducted continuous community engagement through project websites, social media and in-person meetings.