West Palm Beach Downtown Mobility Plan
Cityfi, with Alta Planning and Sam Schwartz, developed the
West Palm Beach Downtown Mobility Plan, a roadmap to create a modern, well-balanced transportation system that provides real mobility choices, and creates great places where people want to invest their time and money.
Ultimately, it establishes a shared community vision for how people live and travel that is built on shared, desired outcomes, which include predictable and reliable travel for all modes, safe streets for all ages, abilities and modes of travel, expanded travel options for people traveling to, through and around Downtown, and growth in residents, employees and visitors.
Cityfi developed a strategy to overcome barriers to successful implementation and provided thought-leadership to build support for this approach. In addition to providing peer reviews and subject matter expertise, Cityfi predominantly provided high-level strategic visioning and public education to build overall awareness and support for this planning exercise and the final deliverables as well as best practices from around the U.S. and beyond in shared mobility, TDM, land-use and zoning and innovative finance strategies.
One aspect of the project focused specifically on the Okeechobee Boulevard - a multi-lane street that provides the primary access to West Palm Beach while simultaneously dividing the city. This corridor study incorporates recommendations to heal some of the negative impacts of this corridor (safety, noise, pollution) while improving the north-south axis and multi-modal mobility experience. The team analyzed new city-owned assets; for instance, parking lot access and on-street parking can be optimized for better uses to support the City’s development goals.
The strategy was published in March 2018 and is currently being implemented by the city.